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Showing posts from February, 2020

Theater Drapes and Stage Curtains in Melbourne– Choices

Is your company in the market looking for an impressive setting and easy to install curtains? Your search is important because those who visit a traditional theater to watch a performance expect to experience plush tiered seating, lighting rigs, an orchestra pit and last but not the least, elegant stage drapes in front of it. The theater scene has changed over the years. It has spilled beyond being just a conventional setup. Theaters these days have less equipped spaces now and are more like the theaters in schools and studios. This calls for the necessity of a professional company offering stage curtains, Stage lighting in Melbourne that is highly adaptable and flexible. Stage Curtains and its types: • Acoustic curtains are specially designed and constructed to absorb sound and are generally made of heavy-duty and flameproof fabrics. Since these curtains can be used with various track systems, greater flexibility is achievable with these as compared to fixed sound-absorb...